Poland’s opposition candidate threatened journalists, but will the EU act?

By admin
1 Min Read

Dear Vice President Jourova,

You have often expressed interest in Polish affairs, especially when inspired by our opposition’s politicians. Because you are the vice president of the European Commission and responsible for values and transparency, I turn to you with this question:

Is it in accordance with European values for a candidate for President of Poland to threaten public television journalists?

The candidate who issued such a threat is a representative of the Civic Platform (PO), a party which very often complains about Poland’s democratically elected government at the European Union level.

Although Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski is not really a candidate yet, as he has not gathered the 100,000 signatures necessary to support his candidacy, it is still known that he will replace the previous PO candidate of Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska who was rejected by Poland’s electorate.