The UK’s “new deal” is what Morawiecki and Duda have been pushing for in Poland for months

By admin
1 Min Read

PM Morawiecki and President Andrzej Duda have been speaking about the necessity for equal economic development in Poland for a long time. They also emphasize that the country needs central investments, alongside local ones, which will raise our economy to the level of highly developed ones.

These investments are mean to be the lever for our economy during its period of exiting the pandemic crisis.

These central investments are the Central Communications Port (CPK), the Vistula Spit excavation, the Baltic Pipe and the Via Baltica and Via Carpatia.

Rafał Trzaskowski has declared this approach to central investments “gigantomania” and argued that some of them can be found in Berlin so they aren’t needed in Poland.

You can have such a minimalistic approach to Poland’s development, but it’s important to also point out what wealthier countries, such as the UK, want to do.